Traditional or Year Round School Calendar Opinion Writing


Traditional or Year Round School Calendar Opinion Writing

Hey, y'all! The topic of the school calendar has sparked many debates over the years. Should we stick to a traditional calendar because that's what we know? Or should we branch out a bit and adopt a year-round schedule? There are pros and cons of each, but what do students think? That's what this opinion writing prompt is all about. 


Before students begin picking sides, we read a short passage about the pros and cons of both the traditional school calendar and they year-round calendar. Most students don't realize it was designed so that kids would work on family farms all summer. 


After we read, we discuss the pros and cons. I make a big anchor chart, but there are smaller, printable pages for students to use. There are teacher notes to help guide you, but students often come up with ideas many adults wouldn't even think of!

After we've talked about the benefits and drawbacks to each type, students choose a side. Then, they write their own opinion paper about which calendar is best and why. It's often surprising to see which students choose which side. 


This is a short little writing prompt, but it sparks lots of debates in our room. (We've got some passionate kiddos, let me tell ya!) You can check out the whole thing in my TPT store here. While you're there, be sure to follow me so you don't miss anything new!

I hope this writing prompt gave you some new ideas for your classroom. Have a wonderful week and I'll talk to you soon.

Stay cozy,

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