February Morning Work for First Grade


February Morning Work for First Grade

Hey, y'all! So my first grade teammate and I were talking about what we needed to work on in class and how our morning work was going. We were both looking for something more than what we were already doing. We brainstormed about what our first graders really needed and the next thing I know I'm elbow deep into creating new morning work for our littles. 


This February morning work unit has two pages for each day. The front has spiral math review, covering things like addition and subtraction, time to the half-hour, balanced equations, number bonds, base ten blocks, money, shapes, and more. 


The back side has grammar and handwriting practice. Students edit sentences, choose the correct verb for the sentence, and work on punctuation, compound words, and contractions. There's a little bit of everything. 


Our students have about 30 minutes in the morning to do morning work and eat their breakfast in the classroom. When breakfast time is over, we go over our morning work together as a class before jumping into our morning meeting. This gives the kids time to process what they did and become stronger in each skill before working on it again tomorrow. 


As students check their work, they use a different color pencil or crayon to make their edits. This tells us what their mistakes were so we can go back and focus on them in small groups. 

You can find this unit in my TPT store here.  You can also expect to see more morning work units for each month of the school year and for kindergarten and second grade coming soon. You won't want to miss this so be sure to follow me on TPT

Hope you found some new ideas for your classroom. Have a wonderful week and I'll talk to you soon. 

Stay cozy,

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