May and June Writing Prompts for Primary Grades
Hey, y'all! My team and I are already starting to plan for the end of the school year events. Isn't that crazy?! With all this talk about the end of the year, I wanted to make sure our writing units reviewed all our learning throughout the year. That's why this end of the year writing unit for May and June is packed full of writing prompts and ideas to take you through the end of June if you need it!
We have a couple of different crafts we start the month off with. First, is our sandcastle descriptive writing. The students draw a sandcastle and try to make it unique. Then, they describe it and have their classmates try to figure out whose sandcastle is whose. My students LOVE this activity!
Close to the end of the year, we do a "How to be a ___ Grader" book. There are options for grades K, 1, 2, and 3. Students write all they need to know and do to be successful in that grade level. Then, they leave it for the incoming students next year so they'll be "prepared." These always come out so cute!
With all that reminiscing, we also talk about some of our favorite times together and what we're also looking forward to for summer and next year.
If you get out of school in the middle to end of June, you can't possibly write about summer all month. But you can take some time to do a little creative writing.
Of course, my favorite part of the end of the year is the holidays. May the Fourth is a perfect time for talking about using the force for good and not evil! Cinco de Mayo always brings up talk about tacos. And Mothers Day and Fathers Day are great times for writing about the adults in our lives.
We also take some mindful moments to calm some of the craziness and do a little five senses writing. Having students do some procedural writing is also a great way to get them to slow down a bit and think. The variety of the writing prompts gives you a sample of writing to choose from for report card time, too.
Towards the end of the school year, my students always get a little...ahem...opinionated. What better way to put all those opinions to good use than to have them write it out? These opinion prompts cover everything from barefoot to popsicles.
I've done all kinds of write the rooms in our classroom, but the easiest ones I've done are these below. The kids just find any word that starts with that letter and write it down. Last week, they were determined to fill their pages up with only names of classmates. It didn't work entirely but it was a great idea. 🤣
Just before our last day of school, we dive into our summer plans and what we love most about it. School breaks can be hard for many of our students, but this gives us an opportunity to talk about what we can control and when we'll see each other again.
And, if you choose to, there are a couple of pages for Teacher Appreciation Week. I don't always like the end of the year memory books where the kids write about me, even though they're usually super sweet. But I LOVE seeing what the kids write when I ask them about how to be a teacher! These are hilarious!
Anyway, thanks for sticking with me. You can find this entire unit with 38 different writing prompts in my TPT store here. While you're there, be sure and follow me on TPT so you don't miss anything.
I hope you found some new writing ideas for your classroom. Have a wonderful week and I'll talk to you soon.
Stay cozy,
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