Opinion Writing Prompt: Homework


Opinion Writing Prompt: Homework

Hey, y'all! A few years ago in my first grade classroom, we were working on opinion writing. The prompt was something simple like their favorite flavor of ice cream. And the kids were stuck. Why? Well...first, there are too many choices. And second, most people don't have ride-or-die feelings about ice cream. I mean there are some of us (hello Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter World!), but overall, those simple opinion prompts don't evoke enough feelings to make for quality writing. So, we created a more powerful call to action


All of our students have opinions about homework. Some do it without questioning why or the what the end goal is, but most have strong opinions as to homework's overall benefit. So, in order to both answer their questions and prompt them to answer, I created this homework opinion writing prompt

The kids read two short passages about the pros and cons of both receiving homework and not having any homework. For first graders and some second graders, I would read the passage with them. Then, as a class, we discuss the pros and cons of each. 


Part of becoming a good writer is leaving out the bias. Students are challenged to create their pro/con lists without their own personal feelings attached to either side, and to not let their own biases interfere with their pro/con chart. Challenging, I know. 

After their pro/con chart is complete, students must then choose a side to argue. Is the extra practice valuable? Should it be limited to reading or project based learning? Should there be a maximum amount of time each day for homework tasks? Or should there be none at all? Are students' afternoons better spent taking classes, going to practice, or spending time with family? It's up to students to decide and share their opinions. 


This is a short little prompt, but it sparks lots of conversation and debate. This topic would be an excellent way to introduce debate and listening to other people's opinions in your classroom. 

You can check out the full resource in my TPT store here. While you're there, be sure to follow me so you don't miss any new tips, resources, or freebies. 

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you found this helpful. Have a wonderful week and I'll talk to you soon. 

Stay cozy, 

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