Opinion Writing Prompt: Class Size


Opinion Writing Prompt: Class Size

Hey, y'all! As teachers, we know class size matters. No matter what those paid-for-by-politician studies say to the contrary. Smaller classes mean more individualized attention, stronger relationships, and better academic achievement. But what do the kids think? This class sizes writing prompt puts their ideas to the test. 


In this little writing unit, students read two passages about the pros and cons of both small classes and larger ones. Then, they have to decide what they think is best for them. Do they feel a close-knit group is best or do they work better when there is a lot of energy in the room? It's up to them to decide and justify their answers. 


To get them started, there's a graphic organizer to jot down their ideas. For the first few opinion writing pieces like this, we create our pro/con list together. As the kids get better at it, I have them work in partners and then, eventually, on their own. 

Once their lists are finished, they choose their stance and decide their why, or how they'll justify it. It's a whole other level above "what's the best ice cream flavor?".


You can check out this writing prompt in my TPT store here. I'm always adding something new so be sure to follow me for all the latest and greatest. 

I hope this post was helpful to you. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week! I'll talk to you soon.

Stay cozy,

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