Mindful Classroom Boom Cards


Boom Cards for the Mindful Classroom

Hey, y'all. In thinking about next year, I'm wanting to be able to create a mindful classroom in a fun way. I read this book a couple of summers ago and it made me rethink how I approached some things in my classroom. We've done mindful breathing and yoga movement breaks, but I also want to be able to review behavior in a way that sticks with my kids.

So, I made some behavior task cards for Boom Learning. Students read the description of the behavior (and use the visual support as needed), then decide if the behavior is a good choice or a bad choice. There are 20 different behavior examples covering walking in the hallway, keeping the chair down, using inside voices, and being nice to others.


I also made some cards reviewing big problem vs. little problem. Some of my most...boisterous... students have a hard time understanding the difference, so repeated review of these cards will help with student perception of certain issues. This deck includes 20 different scenarios, half of them big problems and half little problems.


Of course, deciding if it's a big problem or a little problem is just the beginning. Students also need to know what to do about it. The next set of cards gives students a scenario and two response options. Students decide which reaction is the best option. 


At the beginning of the year (and anytime kids need a refresher), it's important to review proper school bus behavior. We certainly don't want our students having an issue on the bus and starting the whole day off on the wrong foot. That's where these bus rules Boom cards come in handy. Students can learn about acceptable behavior on the bus and set their day up for success. This would be a great whole class or center review just before a field trip as well. 


One of my favorite sets is this yoga moves set. There are 28 different poses, but the program plays ten at a time randomly. That way the kids have a different sequence each time and it doesn't become mindless. This is great for a whole group break, for fast finishers, or for anyone needing time in the cool down corner. The cards can even be printed and put in a photo album if you don't want the kiddo in the cool down corner using a tech device, or if you'd like to post them around the room.  


The beauty of Boom cards is that these can be used:
  • whole group on a computer or Smart board
  • in a center
  • one-on-one with students who need a refresher
  • as printable task cards or discussion cards
  • as exit tickets, just print and copy
I hope you found some new ideas for your classroom. I'm always adding new resources so be sure to follow me on Boom Learning for new ideas, resources, and updates. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week!

Stay cozy,

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